Cowhide Area Rugs Natural Hair on Cowhide Tricolor 2 - 3 M Grade A Size ( 22 - 32 sqft ) - Big CZNUO_QS710

$355.05  $76.67

Product details:

REAL Cowhide can be used for many things in home decor and everyday life. Hair on hide cowhide can be made into cowhide rug, cowhide chair, Cowhide ottoman, cowhide pillows, cowhide purse, cowhide accent chair, cowhide fabric, cowhide stool, Cowhide bench, cowhide barstools and whatever your imagination takes you to create. Our hides are handmade and made to be last. This Cowhide is ready to be Cowhide Rug. Just open the bag and place in your living area and enjoy the master peace. No assembly is required to be Cowhide Area Rug. Grade System of the cowhide quality. Grade A is the best cut and best quality , Grade B is the average cut but great quality, Grade C is average cut and averag quality.